echsyn - Case Study - Cresscto


Techsyn was approached by a mental healthcare service provider to develop a website with essential functionality, including online appointment facilities and contact forms. Then Techsyn was tasked with delivering a platform that provided a seamless experience for patients to book appointments and access information about mental health services. We successfully developed and launched the website within the given timeline.

Technology Stacks

To build the platform, Techsyn used the following technology stacks:

Frontend: React, Redux, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
Cloud: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Steps Involved

Requirement Gathering: Our team held several meetings with the healthcare service provider to understand their needs, and identify the target audience and pain points. Based on this analysis, we created a detailed project plan and a list of features for the platform.

Wireframing: Techsyn's UI/UX team created wireframes for the platform's user interface. We received feedback from the mental healthcare service provider and made necessary changes to the design.

Development: The development team started working on the platform's frontend and backend simultaneously. We used React, Redux, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend and Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for the backend. The backend was integrated with the AWS cloud.

Online Appointments: Techsyn's development team created a system for booking online appointments, which allowed patients to view the available time slots, select a date and time and book an appointment. The system sent email and text message reminders to patients.

Contact Form: Our development team integrated a contact form on the website, allowing patients to submit queries and contact the mental healthcare service provider.

Testing: The QA team conducted thorough testing of the platform's functionality, security, and user experience. The development team fixed any bugs identified during testing.

Deployment: The platform was deployed on the AWS cloud after thorough testing.

Training and Support: Techsyn provided training to the mental healthcare service provider's staff on how to use the platform effectively. We also provided ongoing technical support to the service provider.


The platform developed by Techsyn allowed patients to book appointments online, view the available time slots, select a date and time and receive email and text message reminders. The platform provided a user-friendly interface, real-time data insights, and efficient patient management. The contact form integrated into the website allowed patients to submit queries and contact the mental healthcare service provider, resulting in better communication and engagement. The cloud-based framework allowed for effortless data management sourced from different sources. The platform has the potential to revolutionize mental healthcare services by making it more accessible and convenient for patients to book appointments and access information about mental health services. The ongoing technical support provided by Techsyn ensured the smooth functioning of the platform. The mental healthcare service provider benefited from increased productivity, better performance, and higher revenue.

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  • Client
  • Budget
  • Duration
    45 Days