Techsyn - Case Study - Cloud Service - Wellzio


One of our clients, a leading healthcare provider in the US, approached us with a requirement to create a cloud-based practice management platform that could enable patients to directly connect with their physicians and care teams. The platform needed to provide accessibility, efficacy, and velocity to help patients and doctors manage their medical needs more efficiently.

We worked closely with the client to understand their requirements and identified the key features that would be required to deliver the platform they needed. Our team of experts created a cloud-based suite of applications that was designed to be user-friendly and accessible for both patients and healthcare professionals. 

Technology Stack

Frontend: ReactJS
Backend: NodeJS with Express framework
Database: MongoDB
Cloud Hosting: AWS
Code Versioning: Git
Project Management: JIRA

Steps Involved

Requirement Gathering: We worked closely with the client to understand their requirements and identified the key features that would be required to deliver the platform they needed.

UI/UX Design: Our designers created a user-friendly and intuitive interface for the platform, keeping in mind the needs of both patients and healthcare professionals.

Backend Development: Our team of developers used NodeJS with Express framework to develop the backend of the platform, including the APIs and the database integration.

Frontend Development: Our team used ReactJS to develop the frontend of the platform, ensuring that it was fast, responsive, and user-friendly.

Integration: We integrated the various components of the platform, including the cloud framework, virtual que management system, and data sharing features.

Testing: We conducted rigorous testing to ensure that the platform was stable, secure, and functioning as per the client's requirements.

Deployment: We deployed the platform on AWS cloud hosting, ensuring that it was scalable, reliable, and available to users 24/7.

Maintenance: We provided ongoing maintenance and support to the client, ensuring that the platform was up-to-date, secure, and functioning as expected.


The platform included the following facilities:

Cloud Framework: We designed a cloud-based framework that enabled effortless data management sourced from different sources. The platform allowed healthcare providers to securely access and share medical records and patient data, streamlining their workflows and improving patient outcomes.

Virtual Que Management: We developed a virtual que management system that allowed patients to check in for appointments remotely, reducing wait times and minimizing the risk of exposure to contagious diseases.

Quick Data Sharing: We provided a quick and efficient way for concerned personnel to share data with each other. The platform allowed doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to easily access patient information, test results, and other medical data, enabling them to make more informed decisions and provide better care.


The platform was designed to be scalable and adaptable, allowing the client to add new features and functionality as their needs evolved. Our team worked closely with the client throughout the development process, providing regular updates and ensuring that their requirements were being met. The final product was delivered on time and within budget, and the client was extremely satisfied with the results.

The practice management platform we created helped the client to improve the quality of care they provided to patients and enabled them to manage their medical needs more efficiently. The platform was well-received by both patients and healthcare professionals, and it is now being used by the client to improve medical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

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