
Techsyn Security Policy


Techsyn is a leading IT consulting company that delivers top-quality services and solutions to our valued clients. We recognize the critical importance of safeguarding sensitive information and assets, including personal data, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. This Security Policy outlines our unwavering commitment to protecting information and help, establishing a secure working environment, and adhering to legal and regulatory requirements.

Security Vision

Our Security Vision is to position Techsyn as a trusted and resilient organization that remains impervious to the constantly evolving landscape of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for both Techsyn and our clients.

Information and Asset Protection

Techsyn employs a comprehensive security model designed to prevent unauthorized access to information and assets. This model encompasses physical, logical, and personnel security controls. Every associate is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information and assets under their control.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Techsyn is fully committed to complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements in our operating regions. We will ensure that our operations align with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards concerning information security and data privacy.

Continuity of Operations

Techsyn will maintain business continuity by the requirements and obligations of our stakeholders. We will establish and maintain effective processes, systems, and controls to minimize the impact of disruptions, enabling us to deliver uninterrupted services to our clients.

Security Responsibilities

Every department and individual at Techsyn bears responsibility for maintaining security. All associates are expected to adhere to this Security Policy and actively contribute to its effective implementation. Managers and supervisors play a vital role in promoting and enforcing security practices within their respective teams.

Security Awareness and Competence

Techsyn fosters a culture of security awareness and provides comprehensive training to associates at all levels. We believe that competent and well-informed employees are essential to maintaining a secure working environment. We offer training programs, awareness campaigns, and educational resources to enhance security knowledge and skills.

Reporting Security Weaknesses and Violations

Techsyn encourages associates and stakeholders to promptly report any security weaknesses, violations, or disruptions of services. We will establish an anonymous reporting mechanism to protect individuals who wish to report security concerns. Timely reporting enables us to address vulnerabilities and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks.

Response Framework

Techsyn maintains a robust response framework to effectively handle security weaknesses, violations, or disruptions of services. Incidents are promptly identified, assessed, and mitigated to minimize the impact on our operations. The response framework includes incident management procedures, escalation processes, and collaboration with relevant authorities, if necessary.

Governance and Continuous Improvement

Techsyn establishes governance mechanisms to monitor and assess security performance against appropriate targets and objectives. Regular reviews, audits, and risk assessments are conducted to identify areas for improvement. The findings are utilized to drive continuous enhancements in our security practices.

Security Management System

This Security Policy is supported by a comprehensive Security Management System that comprises standards, procedures, and guidelines. The Security Management System is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure its ongoing relevance and alignment with evolving stakeholder expectations.

Applicability and Consequences

This Security Policy applies to Techsyn globally and its wholly-owned subsidiaries across all geographies. It applies to all associates, business associates, and external parties with access and usage rights to Techsyn's infrastructure, IT systems, and information resources. Violations or contraventions of this Policy may result in consequences applicable to all associates and external parties as deemed necessary.


Techsyn is firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of security to protect the information and assets entrusted to us. This Security Policy serves as the foundation for establishing a secure environment and demonstrates our dedication to maintaining the utmost level of security.